Task 1 - Top films of 2016

Summarise your findings in a couple of paragraphs on your blog.

1. Look up top grossing films of 2016 - Write down top five and their producers/exhibitors and when they came out.

  • What are the big six film companies?
  • Think of the dates and school holidays
  • Which films are on general release?
  • What genre of films are there? blockbuster, indie, foreign?
  • How many are sequels?
  • How many are blockbusters aimed at a younger audience?
  • How many were produced by the Big Six?
  • How many different formats are there? Name them.
  • What kinds of films seem to be missing?
  • How many of the film distributors seem to be producers as well?
  • Who do you think are the target audiences for these?

2. Have a look at release schedule in the UK for December 2016, January 2017 and Feb as we approach awards season and have a big blockbuster lead up in the fall. What are your findings?
