General feedback from mock exam

I was quite impressed with a lot of the knowledge in the essays. These are a few points I keep raising on your exams so I thought I'd share with you here

- Keep linking back to the question, it's so easy to trail off, PEEL!

- be specific with examples from big and small case studies and by that I mean films as well as cinemas

- Do not take exchange for granted - 3D/4D/IMAX/IMPACT or Netflix/amazon prime or if you love indie/world cinema but don't live near a big city there's always Curzon online/BFI player to find out what other films are well reviewed around the world

- different audiences - why they like sequels, why they only go and see Hollywood blockbusters
IT'S ABOUT ACCESSIBILITY AND AVAILABILITY (so lack of choice and variety largely limited to Big Six fare which is high impact and franchise) 

- ability to watch on the go and advertise on the go this is all digital - phones, ipods, tablets, laptops

- not enough terminology being used and if it is it is thrown in randomly with no application

- have a look at how your films can be accessed now so if you look up '71 you can rent it for £3.50 on BFI player but you can also watch it on putlocker for free (issues there)

- remember at the BFI we had the marketing director of Jurassic World - that film was a success due to its excellent marketing including amazing website. He mentioned the Waterloo PR that had great coverage - expensive to set up (above the line) cheap to spread the word (below the line)

Revision booklets

Revision booklets

  • A contents page
  • Ten tasks
  • Case study notes - Learn about your big company and what they do  AND independent companies and what they do 
  •  Exemplar essays – ownership and media convergence (re-write using your own case studies)
  • Exam board requirements – seven areas - which bits don't you understand -research
  •  Mock exam
  • Terminology
  • Past papers
  • Comparison of both case studies (fill in chart with both) and add anything that was missing - make sure you've got reviews
  • This is a pack OCR produced for film industry it has some helpful charts you could fill in for revision 
  • Keep checking and look at releases and distribution
  • Go through twitter feed for any interesting media news you can to add flavour to your essay